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Superintendent's Mid-Year Update

We all made it through 2024 and are well into 2025 now.  As we move into the second half of the school year, I'd like to commend our students for the progress and great work that they've done so far this school year.  I'd also like to thank the wonderful teachers and staff at Lake Shore for all of their hard work and dedication to our students and to the school district - especially during the bad weather days we've experienced this school year.  We are all very appreciative of the support of our parents and community members.  Without your support, it would be difficult to accomplish all the good things that happen at Lake Shore every day. 

We still have a few more weeks of winter to endure before spring arrives - let's hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow this year!  Spring will arrive soon though, and we'll move back to outdoor sports and activities.  If you are a parent of a school-aged child, encourage them to get involved in one or more school sports or activities - it helps them feel connected to the school and the friendships that can be built may last a lifetime.  Activities and sports add to a child's school experience, and can be a motivation for students to attend school and do well.  We want our students to be happy, healthy and active.  I hope you'll join me in giving our students the support they need for a strong finish to the school year.


Daniel Pacos

Superintendent of Schools