• teacher with apple animationDiane Tighe
    Occupational Therapist
    Occupational Therapy in the school setting is provided as a service through the Special Education Department.
    Occupational Therapist can assist your child with the following:
    * handwriting
    *memory skills
    *study skills
    *activities of daily living-dressing/meals
    *scissors skills
    This service is designed to maximize a child's function/skills within the classroom setting.
    This service requires a referral through the GRADS success team or the Special Eduacation Department.  A standardized evaluation is required.  A recommendation for services if the evalautaion indicates a need for Occupational Therapy.
    When services are recommended a discussion is held with parents regarding the goals.  In New York State a docxtor's prescription is required for OT services.  The therapist will send you this form.
    If you feel your child may qualify for these services please contact his/her classroom teacher.
    E-mail address-diane.tighe@lscsd.org
    Phone number 716-926-2739