Lake Shore Middle School Parent Boosters
Dear Middle School Parents,
We've changed our name, but our mission remains the same!
The newly formed, Lake Shore Middle School Parent Boosters are looking for a few parents to help establish a Middle School Booster program for the upcoming school year.
Over the past few years the Middle School Parent organization, under the leadership of Mrs. Tammy Patterson, has sponsored numerous fundraising opportunities that have benefited Middle School Students and the Middle School Program.
The first Middle School Parent Booster meeting will be held on September 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Media Center up stairs next to the library.
Agenda items for this meeting will include the building wide fundraiser set to begin in October and fundraising opportunities for 8th grade students interested in going on the Washington D.C. trip in March 2018.
Last year the 8th graders sold Candy Bars. The students sold 48,000 bars. $24,000 went to Niagara and & $24,000 went to each individual student who fundraised. We usually start this fundraiser the day of the Parent meeting, which is in October sometime. Tammy Patterson has offered to help out again this year.
We are anticipating that the new Boosters Club will be involved in the following activities:
1.) Ice Cream Social
2.) Box Tops for Education
3.) 2 Fundraisers per school year
4.) 2 Book Fairs per school year
5.) 8th Grade Washington Fundraisers
Thank you,
Lake Shore Central Middle School Parent Boosters Club