

       I am Mrs. Kelly Jones.  I received a Masters Degree in Reading Education from Canisius College in 2003.  I hold permanent certifications as a Classroom Teacher for Kindergarten- Grade 6, and as a Reading Specialist for Kindergarten- Grade12. 

       In 2004, I joined the Lake Shore family as a Reading Specialist at Anthony J. Schmidt Elementary School.  Although I loved my students and colleagues at AJS, in 2011 I seized the exciting opportunity to teach at Lake Shore Middle School (Now known as William G. Houston Middle School.)  I spent the following three years as a classroom teacher teaching developmental reading to sixth graders. 

        In 2013, I began focusing on reading intervention and in-class English support throughout the entire Middle School building.  Now, ten years later, I am continuing in that capacity, serving all three grade levels and students on all instructional teams. 

       During study hall periods, select students are invited to work with me in my own classroom (Room 203) for a session we call Literacy Lab. Literacy Lab is an opportunity for students to spend their study hall period in a small group setting with a reading specialist who can provide remedial reading and writing instruction as needed, as well as provide support with classwork from other literacy-driven courses.  This service is provided in conjunction with my fellow reading teacher, Mrs. Dana Myers.

       In addition to working with my students in my Lab, I spend a great deal of time in English classrooms throughout the building.  This allows me to provide In-Class English Support to students who might benefit from assistance in the regular ELA classroom.  I work closely with our English department to help provide effective, coherent reading, writing, speaking, and listening instruction to all students in grades 6-8 at Lake Shore.  

       I look forward to getting to know my students and helping them reach their fullest potential.  If you would like to contact me, please call 716-926-2704 or email kelly.jones@lscsd.org.  I am happy to help in any way I can.       

                                                                                -Mrs. Jones :)RtI Banner