• Mrs. Kelly Migliaccio
    English 10 Honors / English 11 / Poetry and Creative Writing
    Lake Shore Senior High School
    959 Beach Road  Angola, New York  14006-9782
    Room 228


    Phone: 716.926.2154
    Fax: 716.549.4033
    Please note that all updates, assignments, and links are now available through
    Google Classroom (see codes below to join)  
    10H: 5un4ysv
    ELA 11: acolnxx
    P&CW: 3o67n5i
    Parents and guardians:  If you would like parental access to Google Classroom, please send me an e-mail indicating such and I will forward you the invitiation.
    I am also communicating with 10H and ELA 11 students through the GroupMe app.  This is an easy way for us to discuss assignments, ask questions, and engage in group discussions.  Info to join is found on Google Classroom