- Lake Shore Central School District
- Central Registration Packet
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, new students are required to enroll in the building assigned to their attendance zone. If you are not sure of your attendance zone, please contact the transportation office at 716-926-2242.
If a family has older siblings already attending school outside their assigned zone, those students may continue attending that school, but younger siblings are required to enroll in their assigned building. Parents have the choice to move the older siblings to the building in their assigned zone or allowing them to continue attending where they are until they begin Middle School.
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Registration is by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Please call 716-926-2217 to discuss the registration process and pick up a Registration Packet (please see below for required documentation and downloads).
To better serve families and to streamline the entry of new students into our District, registration of new students in the District will take place at the Central Registrars' Office located at:
William T. Hoag Educational Center
42 Sunset Boulevard, Angola, New York 14006
Registration of new students is scheduled by appointment; walk-in requests are not accepted. To schedule an appointment or for more information concerning registration, please contact the Central Registrar, Jeffrey Barnes, at (716)-926-2217 or email jeffrey.barnes@lscsd.org.
Registration packets can be downloaded and completed prior to your registration appointment. After registration, the parent and student will be scheduled to visit the building where the student will attend in order to complete the enrollment process including teacher assignment or course schedule.
Please bring all required documentation to your appointment with the Central Registrar.
Documentation Regarding Registration:
- Completed registration packet
- Health form completed by physician (in registration packet)
- Proof of immunization
- Most current report cards
- Any court documentation/guardianship/divorce decree/custody papers, if pertinent
- Most current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for special needs students or 504 Accommodation Plan, if pertinent
- Two proofs of residency
- Home Language Questionnaire
Documentation of Enrollment/Residency:
- A current mortgage statement, deed, or current signed lease agreement A current utility bill specific to the new address
- An unaltered New York State driver’s license
- Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies
- Signed contract for home purchase
- Sworn or unsworn statement by a landlord, owner, or tenant from whom the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the district
- Statement by a third party establishing in the parent(s)' or person(s) in parental relation's physical presence in the district
- Pay stub
- Income tax form
- Membership documents based on residency
- Voter registration document
- State or other government issued identification
- Evidence of custody of the child, but limited to, judicial custody orders or guardianship papers
- Bank statement mailed to home address
- Tax bill
- Stamped Post Office change of address form
- Home/Renters/Automobile/Life/Health Insurance
- Automobile Registration; or
- Correspondence from the following:
- The New York State Federal Government
- The Internal Revenue Service
- The Department of Social Services
- Social Security
- Unemployment; or
- Foster care agency
Documentation of Age:
- Original birth certificate
- Record of baptism
If the above is not available:
- Passport
If the above is not available:
- Official driver's license
- State or other government issued identification
- School photo identification with date of birth
- Consulate identification card
- Hospital or health records
- Military dependent identification card
- Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies
- Court orders or other court-issued documents
- Native American tribal document
- Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies
Families new to the District should register their child/children as soon as possible to ease transition and allow adequate time for educational services to be arranged (schedule, classroom placement and transportation).
Families enrolled within the District should contact the Registrar with changes in pertinent information such as telephone and cell phone numbers, address, custody, contact, etc.
REQUIREDDistrict Registration Form
Home Language Questionnaire
Student Health Appraisal
Temporary Permission To Place Form
Lake Shore Physical Examination Form
NOTE: form provided in case Primary Physician does not have an official formIF APPLICABLETitle VII Student Eligibility Certification-NATIVE AMERICANS