• General Course Info that Relates to all Courses

    Grading policy: My grading policy is made up of two categories of grades. Each has a different weight as follows…

    1.      Major grade- Tests, quizzes, major projects are all graded on a scale of 1-100. Major Grades are weighted to comprise 70% of your quarterly grade.

    2.      Minor- Class Assignment grade- In class assignments, notes checks or any learning activity which is designated as a minor grade is graded on a scale of 1-10. Grades minor are weighted to comprise 30% of your quarterly grade.

         Attendance Policy- If you miss 7 class meeting and do not make up the missed time you may not pass the course. The only way to make up an absence is to 1. Make sure it is excused (legal) AND 2. Stay the equivalent time during 10th period on a date of the instructors choosing.

    Makeup policy: Students are to follow the procedure in the handbook (p. 25). Any makeup must be arranged for on the first day of return for the student. The student must have a valid, stamped Assignment Make-up Signature Card. The student must bring the Make-up signature card by or at the designated make-up time in order to make-up the test quiz or assignment. If your absence in not “excused or legal” NO CREDIT CAN BE GIVEN for the made up work!!!

    Tardy policy: The student must be in class and in their assigned seat at the sounding of the final bell. This is the time when most of the important instructions are given for the days work. If you miss this time you are still expected to complete any and all work or progress for that class. You are responsible to get notes, instructions and expectations from the teacher or other students. The first occurrence of the student being late will constitute a warning. The second will result in a “3:00 o’clock” detention with the teacher. Each late occurrence after that will result in a discipline referral.

    Classroom materials and preparation: Each student should come to class with an agenda and beginning on the second class meeting, with a folder with a pocket, blank lined paper (25 sheets or so) and a pen or pencil.
     Course Descriptions
    Note- All 1/2 year, 1/2 credit unless noted*.
    Communication Systems                     Designed for 9&10 grade students                  Preferred Prerequisites- None
       Students learn basic concepts in Comm. Tech. such as design steps, planning an audio/video production and some technical knowledge associated with electronic communications. They also produce a radio style commercial using "Adobe Soundtrack Pro", TV production using "Adobe Final Cut Pro" (that is shown on the schools Eagle News show), a graphics project using "Adobe Photoshop" and "Illustrator" (t-shirt design or vinyl sign) and a telecommunications project (WiFi repeater...)
    Video Production                                    Designed for 9-12 grade students                     Preferred Prerequisite- Comm. Sys.
       Students learn the elements and principles of design,  lighting for video, audio for video, field production, post production editing and DVD authoring. They will produce 4 video projects. The first two are written by me and are designed to review and reinforce concept taught in the classroom. The 3rd is a music video in which they learn to apply a variety of special effects and the final project is a students choice of topics including college entrance introduction, high school memories, special occasion video, portfolios... . All projects use "Adobe Final Cut Pro".
    NOTE- Completing  Video Production and Advanced Video Production allows students to transfer the credit (4 hrs.) to any SUNY College. This is done through E.C.C.
     Advanced Video Production               Designed for 11-12 grade students                     Preferred Prerequisite- Video Prod.
       Students use knowledge learned in Video Production and apply it to telling stories using cinematic style and techniques. They learn advanced camera operation, lens & filter application, camera shot and angle execution, advanced editing, color correction and audio sweetening. The projects include special effect studies and recreating scenes from favorite movies and TV shows. All projects use "Adobe Cut Pro" and "Adobe After Effects"
    Print & Broadcast Journalism            Designed for 1-12 grade students                        Preferred Prerequisite- Video Prod.
       This is a full year course* and can be used as a Technology OR English credit. PBJ is taught by a Technology and an English teacher. The principles of journalism are taught and exercised through the production of a 15 min. weekly news magazine style show called "Eagle News". The print journalism side is taught and reinforced through the publication of the bi-monthly school newspaper, "The Green and White". Students write, shoot video, edit video and function as a live studio team to produce the TV show. They also write and photograph all content for the newspaper. Emphasis is placed on concise, accurate, entertaining reporting, technical skill and DEADLINES. Students produce a portfolio as their exam grade.
    The course Graphics Processing is in the process of being rewritten as Computer Graphics. Description is pending.
    The course Recording Audio for Production is awaiting approval- Description is pending.